

Whether it’s every day, once a week, or just once in a while, shaving can become a tiresome chore. No matter the reason for wanting to rid yourself of unwanted hair, Enriched Aesthetics can make it easy with our professional laser hair removal service.

Combining our medical experience and the latest technology, we can make taking care of those pesky hairs simple and permanent. With laser hair removal, you won’t have to worry about the hassle of shaving anymore. Making your grooming and self-care routine that much easier and more enjoyable.

Why Choose Laser Hair Removal?

Whether you’re tired of shaving or sensitive to lotions, creams, and shaving products, laser hair removal is an alternate solution for permanent hair removal even in some of the trickiest spots.

With our laser hair removal service, you’ll be able to enjoy smooth skin without the need to worry about shaving over and over again. While multiple treatments may be required to see your desired results, the process is safe, relatively painless, and effective when it comes to ridding yourself of unwanted hair anywhere throughout the body.

How It Works

We use laser hair removal to remove hair from anywhere throughout the body. The hair removal lasers emit a light that gets absorbed by the pigment within the hairs. This light energy is then converted into heat which damages the hair follicles and inhibits or delays hair from growing.

These treatments like any treatment option bring a variety of pros and cons. Understanding the process and the benefits of laser hair removal can help you make the best decision when it comes to selecting the treatment option that is right for you.

Below we’ve listed out some of the pros and cons when it comes to laser hair removal treatments.


When considering laser hair removal as your treatment option of choice when it comes to ridding yourself of unwanted hair, many patients find that the pros greatly outweigh the cons. Here are some of the pros when it comes to professionally applied laser hair removal services.

  • Quick sessions
  • Precise treatments
  • Can be used to remove hair throughout the body
  • Avoids ingrown hairs
  • Less painful than other hair removal treatments
  • Little to no side effects if done professionally
  • A great option for those with sensitive skin


While the pros greatly outweigh the cons in most situations, it’s always good to be aware of what may occur if your treatment doesn’t go as well as it should. Keep in mind, however, that the majority of cons listed below are results that are much more likely to occur if your technician is not properly trained when it comes to the hair removal process.

  • May require yearly treatments for the best results
  • Low risk of burning, redness, blisters, or discoloration on the skin
  • Risks are greatly increased with untrained or inexperienced technicians

A Professional Hair Removal Service

Having an understanding of how laser hair removal works, you can now sit back and relax while we take care of you from your initial consultation through follow-up sessions and recovery.


At your initial consultation, you’ll have the chance to discuss any concerns that you may have regarding the process with your provider. This is where you will discuss your desired results, go over the treatment areas and options, as well as discuss any previous medical history including past treatments.


In preparation for your treatment, it’s important to avoid things such as waxing and plucking for 4 to 6 weeks before treatment. Since laser hair removal targets the hair follicles, shaving is recommended within 24 hours of your treatment so that the lasers can more easily target these hair follicles without overgrown hair on the outside.

During your treatment, a topical anesthetic may be offered to help reduce any discomfort during the treatment. This is especially true if the areas being treated are more sensitive such as the underarms or bikini line areas.

During your treatment, slight discomfort may be felt that has been described as a warm pinprick sensation. Most treatments last from a few minutes up to an hour depending on the areas to be treated.


After your treatment, you may feel like you have a mild sunburn. This is normal and can be treated with a cool compress or moisturizer that your provider has supplied you or approved of. The minimal downtime post-treatment allows you to get back to your normal routine almost immediately as long as you follow some simple aftercare instructions such as the ones outlined below.

  • Apply a cool compress to the treated area
  • Use medications and prescription creams as directed
  • Avoid excess sun exposure and tanning beds
  • Avoid excess heat such as hot tubs, heat packs, or saunas for 48 hours
  • Do not pluck, tweeze, wax, or forcefully remove hairs
  • Avoid makeup, deodorant, or other topical creams for the first 24 hours

Be sure to follow your provider’s aftercare instructions for the best results. Not everyone is the same, and some experience the recovery process differently. So be sure to talk with your provider if you have any concerns or serious side effects after your treatment.

Simplify Hair Removal With Our Laser Hair Removal Service

Here at Enriched Aesthetics, we’re here to ensure that you feel confident and comfortable within your body. When it comes to professional laser hair removal, we have the right tools, team, and experience that you can rely on when it comes to getting results. So when you’re ready to take the first step towards smoother skin with laser hair removal, contact us to set your initial consultation. 

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