With age, it’s common for skin to lose elasticity and volume as a result of the natural aging process, combined with other factors. This can result in skin sagging or drooping and in hollowness appearing in areas around your face. 

You may also notice the gradual appearance of lines and wrinkles. Fortunately, there are non-surgical options available to treat all of these problems with minimal downtime. If you want to prevent your skin from showing the signs of aging, dermal fillers may be the solution for you.

What Are Dermal Fillers?

Dermal fillers are made from an ingredient known as hyaluronic acid. This is a naturally occurring substance that is found in the skin. Hyaluronic acid helps keep skin looking fresh, hydrated, and volumized. 

Injectable fillers that contain hyaluronic acid give a natural boost to the face, resulting in enhanced volume, increased hydration, and the ability to produce new collagen. This combination of factors allows patients to benefit from a more youthful appearance.

One of the more popular lines of dermal fillers is Juvéderm. Juvéderm can provide a number of benefits to those seeking to reduce the signs of aging. 

What Can Juvéderm Be Used to Treat?

Juvéderm can enhance different areas of the face and provide them with additional volume and hydration, resulting in a fuller, more youthful appearance. Areas that Juvéderm can treat include:


Juvéderm may be used to provide a volume boost to those who are experiencing thinner upper or lower lips. Once a Juvéderm injection is made to the lip area, patients can expect their mouths to appear fuller. This can provide a more balanced appearance to the face. 

Smile Lines

Smile lines, which commonly appear between the nose and mouth, develop as part of the natural aging process. These lines often become more noticeable through age. Injecting dermal fillers into smile lines can restore fullness to the area and reduce the appearance of the lines.

Loss of Volume in the Cheeks

Another problem experienced through the natural aging process is a loss of volume in the cheeks. This volume loss normally results from diminishing elasticity and collagen in the skin. It may be further driven by gravity, hereditary factors, sun exposure, or smoking.

Turkey Neck

Many individuals suffer from turkey neck. This is the appearance of loose skin below the jaw, which can make patients look older than they are. Fortunately, Juvéderm can restore volume in the chin and mouth area, drawing the skin below the neck back to its normal position.

Marionette Lines

Finally, Juvéderm can reduce the appearance of marionette lines that form parentheses around the mouth. By injecting filler into the parentheses, marionette lines are eliminated. The mouth area will have a softer appearance.

When Should I Consider Dermal Fillers Over Other Types of Injectables?

Injectable fillers should be used by individuals who want to restore volume and elasticity to certain areas of the face. They can also be used to reduce the appearance of specific lines, such as marionette wrinkles or smile lines. 

However, they are not a good option for wrinkles that appear on the face as a result of making facial expressions. For example, forehead lines and crow’s feet are better treated through the use of a neuromodulator injectable such as Botox. 

Keep in mind that dermal fillers are a non-invasive option and are helpful to those who want to restore volume and fullness. They are not permanent, and touch-up appointments will be required to maintain results. 

What Are the Benefits of Injectable Fillers?

There are a number of advantages to using dermal fillers. A few are described below.

Non-Surgical Procedure

Dermal fillers are a non-surgical procedure that can be performed in less than an hour. You can easily schedule an appointment over your lunch break to have fillers injected into your skin and then return to work right afterward. Unlike more invasive approaches, such as a facelift, fillers have no downtime but still provide impressive results.   

Dramatic Difference

The use of dermal fillers can dramatically improve the appearance of your skin. You will benefit from a more youthful look to your face that isn’t easily achievable through other means. Additionally, you won’t have to undergo significant downtime after the procedure.

Lasting Results

Dermal fillers provide dramatic results that last. Juvéderm benefits typically remain visible for between three and six months. As it is fully absorbed in the body, we will recommend touch-up appointments to maintain your results over a longer period of time.

Smoother Skin

Dermal fillers are able to fill out the skin, eliminating hollowness and restoring fullness to the cheeks. This provides volume to the face and results in a smoother look to the skin. As such, dermal fillers help restore suppleness in a way that some other solutions can’t.

Can Be Combined with Other Treatments

Dermal fillers can be combined with other treatments to enhance results. For example, Botox may be used to reduce the appearance of lines on the forehead and crow’s feet. If you have acne scars or hyperpigmentation issues, you can add on laser treatments or microneedling to enhance your overall skin tone.

Ready to Find Out How Dermal Fillers Can Help You?

To discover the benefits of dermal fillers and find out how they can restore lost volume to your skin, contact Enriched Aesthetics in Morristown, NJ. We offer dermal fillers to those who are seeking to counteract the natural process of aging. Our trained staff will custom design a treatment program to meet your personal goals.

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